At Dentist Charlotte Lebahn, our aim is to offer you the optimum and most competent treatment on the basis of the
conditions and wishes you may have as a patient. We aim to provide an informal and relaxed atmosphere where you
can feel comfortable and feel that you are in a safe environment.
We have many years of experience as dentists, but we are constantly improving our qualifications so that we ensure
that you always have access to the best possible conditions for the very best treatment.
New patient
The clinic is now open to new patients.
When you come to us as a patient, it
is important to us to determine what
you need and agree on a treatment
procedure in a dialogue with you.
For you as a patient to have the best
conditions for making the right
choices, it is important to us as
professionals to present you with
the entire range of treatment
Dentist phobia
Quite a lot of patients suffer from
dentist phobia where even contacting
a clinic may constitute a big challenge.
We want to make your visit to the
dentist as comfortable and smooth as
possible so that you get more
acquainted with dentist
It is important to us to ensure that
you get the optimum pain relief
during your treatment.
Your smile is of great importance for
your appearance and we would very
much like to help you have a
beautiful smile.
There are many wishes as regards
cosmetic dental care and we attach
importance to meeting your
treatment needs in a professional
It may be for instance the
manufacture of crowns, facings,
whitening or replacement of old
discoloured plastic fillings.